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Universities With the Lowest Cut-Off Marks For History and Archaelogy in Nigeria

Cut-Off Marks For History and Archaelogy

Are you trying to find the list of Nigerian universities with the lowest cut-off mark required to get admitted to the history and Archaelogy programs? Read on to know Nigeria Universities with the lowest cut-off mark.

If you want to pursue a career in history and Archaelogy,but are unsure about the most recent JAMB cutoff mark for a course like History and Archaelogy.Here is a list of Nigerian institutions that have cut-off mark  that we have verified; it is the lowest of all the universities in Nigeria that provide history and archaeology program.

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Universities With the Lowest Cut-Off Marks For History and Archaelogy in  Nigeria

Universities With the Lowest Cut-Off Marks For History and Archaelogy in Nigeria

To gain admission into an History and Archaelogy program at a Nigerian university, meeting the cut-off mark for the subject is essential. The following universities have some of the lowest cut-off marks for History and Archaelogy program:

1. Ahmadu Bello university Zaria

Cut off mark: 180

The Archaeology Department at Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria offers an annual program called Archeological Field School, which is intended for both graduate students and undergraduates in the 200, 300, and 400 level. The goal of this process is to provide the students with professional training in archaeological field techniques, including excavation, ethnographic method, reconnaissance and survey, and oral tradition. The information gathered from these procedures aids in teaching students how to interpret data, conduct laboratory experiments, record findings, and publish their study.

2. University of jos(unijos)

Cut off mark:170

The University of Jos works hard to uphold its standing as a highly regarded university with a big social effect that offers top-notch instruction.

3. University of Ibadan(UI)

Cut off mark: 160

Located in Ibadan, Nigeria, the institution of Ibadan (UI) is a public research institution. As one of the several colleges that made up the University of London, University College Ibadan was established in 1948.It is the oldest degree-granting institution in Nigeria, having gained independence in 1962. The University of Ibadan has aided Nigeria’s political, industrial, economic, and cultural development through its network of graduates. The University of Ibadan is among the most prestigious universities in Africa because of its legacy and influence.

4. University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)

Cut off mark: 170

Nsukka, which is located in Enugu State, is the location of the federal institution known as the institution of Nigeria, or UNN for short. This university is located in the eastern section of Nigeria. Within the state of Enugu, the University of Nigeria is comprised of three campuses: Nsukka, Enugu, and Ituku-Ozalla. The institution was established by Nnamdi Azikiwe in 1955 and publicly opened its doors on October 7, 1960.

The educational system in the United States served as the inspiration for the establishment of the University of Nigeria, which is the first indigenous and one of the first independent universities in Nigeria. It was the first university in Africa to receive land grants, and it is currently ranked among the top five most prestigious universities in Nigeria. A total of 102 academic departments and 17 faculties are included in the university. A total of 108 undergraduate programs and 211 postgraduate programs are available to students at this university.

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What is history and Archaelogy?

Both history and archaeology investigate objects and people from antiquity. Historians specifically research historical records and artifacts to provide the general public with an understanding of the past. Historians and archaeologists investigate items that archaeologists unearth.

What’s the difference between an archaeologist and a historian?

Historians and archaeologists investigate historical human life and activities using written records, whereas archaeologists research prehistoric human life and activities using physical remains.

Do Archaelogy study the past?

Past cultures are studied in archaeology. The ways in which people lived, worked, interacted with others, travelled over the terrain, and held religious beliefs are all of interest to archaeologists. Gaining insight from historical accounts could aid in our comprehension of both our own society and other cultures.

What tools do historians use?

Images, speeches, letters, and diaries are a few types of primary sources. Primary sources also include artifacts like tools. Secondary sources are additional resources used by historians. They are written by persons who were not present at the historical event after it had happened.

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