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Best Universities to Study Peace and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria

Peace and conflict resolution is the Understanding and addressing of violence and conflict which can be accomplished through the study of democracy, human rights, gender equality, poverty, and governance

Nigeria has a long history of peace and conflict studies. Some of the top universities offer programs focused on conflict resolution, management, and transformation.

It is a Four year bachelor’s degree program and graduates of this course have numerous career opportunities.

When it comes to studying peace and conflict resolution in Nigeria, there are a few top universities to consider.

Best Universities to Study Peace and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria

Peace and conflict resolution is the Understanding and addressing of violence and conflict which can be

Here are the best universities to study peace and conflict resolution in Nigeria 

University of Ibadan

The University of Ibadan’s Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Peace and Conflict Studies. Their program examines the root causes of conflicts in Nigeria and Africa, as well as strategies for promoting peace, security, and development.

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University of Jos

The University of Jos’s Center for Conflict Management and Peace Studies provides education and training for resolving community conflicts in a non-violent manner. They offer certifications, undergraduate and graduate degrees in Conflict Management, Peace Studies, and Strategic Studies. Their programs take a hands-on approach through internships, simulations, and community service.

Nigeria’s strong tradition of peace and conflict studies has produced many renowned scholars and practitioners. These exceptional programs offer the knowledge and skills for understanding conflicts, promoting social justice, and building sustainable peace in Nigeria and beyond. With hard work and perseverance, you too can become a leader in this important field.

University of Lagos

The University of Lagos’ Center for Conflict Resolution also offers postgraduate programs in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. Their program aims to develop skills for analyzing conflicts, facilitating dialog, mediating disputes, and developing strategies for conflict intervention. Relevant courses include Conflict Analysis, Conflict Resolution Skills and Methods, Peace Research Methods, and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

With many local conflicts, studying peace and conflict management in Nigeria can open up opportunities to gain experience and make a real impact. These top universities offer programs to gain the knowledge and skills to work in fields like conflict mediation, peace building, and human rights.

Obafemi Awolowo University

Obafemi Awolowo University’s Center for Peace and Strategic Studies offers a Master’s in Peace and Conflict Studies with courses in:

  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Peace education
  • Conflict management
  • Human security

The program emphasizes African perspectives on peace and security issues. Students can focus their research on conflict zones in Nigeria such as the Niger Delta, examining the complex relationships between oil politics, environmental degradation, poverty, and violence.

With a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from either university, you’ll be well prepared for a career as a mediator, policy analyst, or project manager in Nigeria’s peace building sector. By gaining a deep understanding of the root causes and dynamics of conflicts affecting the region, you can help build a more just, sustainable and peaceful society.

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Career Paths for Graduates

There are several promising career paths for graduates with a degree in Peace and Conflict resolution from a Nigerian university. With your specialized knowledge and skills, you’ll be well equipped to pursue roles in diplomacy, non-profit organizations, education, and government.

  • Diplomacy

Graduates often find work as foreign service officers, diplomatic attachés or policy analysts in embassies and consulates. You could advise on peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and geopolitical issues between Nigeria and other nations.

  • Non-Profits

Many non-governmental organizations and non-profits focus on conflict resolution, peace promotion, and human rights in Nigeria. As a program officer or project manager, you would help design and implement initiatives to build peace, prevent violence, and protect vulnerable groups.

  • Education

With a master’s or doctoral degree, you could teach peace and conflict studies at universities and colleges. As a professor, you would train new generations of students in conflict analysis, management, and transformation. You may also conduct and publish your own research on peace and security issues.

  • Public Sector

Government agencies like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Human Rights Commission, and Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps employ graduates in various roles. You could work as a policy officer, program analyst, or human rights investigator to help advance peacebuilding and conflict mitigation at a national level.

With the increasing challenges of conflict, violence and human insecurity in Nigeria, the career opportunities for peace and conflict management graduates will continue to grow. By choosing one of these paths, you can make a meaningful contribution to building a more just and peaceful society.

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Having developed an interest in studying peace and conflict resolution in Nigeria there are so many questions that may be running through your mind. Here are some common questions and answers.

What universities in Nigeria offer programs in this field?

Some of the top schools for peace and conflict studies in Nigeria are:

  • University of Ibadan: Offers MA and PhD programs in Peace and Conflict Studies. It is one of the premier universities in West Africa.
  • University of Jos: Provides BA, MA and PhD degrees in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. It has a dedicated Center for Conflict Management and Peace Studies.
  • Obafemi Awolowo University: Has a long-established Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies that offers MA and PhD programs.
  • American University of Nigeria: A private university that offers a BA in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. Coursework focuses on conflict analysis, management, and transformation.

What jobs can I pursue with this degree?

With a degree in peace and conflict management, you’ll be well prepared for roles like:

  • Conflict resolution specialist: Helping parties prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts.
  • Peace building coordinator: Designing and implementing peacebuilding programs for communities and organizations.
  • Mediator: Acting as a neutral third party to help facilitate negotiation and agreement between disputing groups.
  • Nonprofit program manager: Developing and overseeing peace and development programs for NGOs and nonprofits.
  • Policy advisor: Providing guidance to public officials on conflict-sensitive policies and peace-promoting reforms.

The opportunities are growing in government agencies, NGOs, education and research institutes. A degree in this field can open doors to meaningful work creating positive change.

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