
Cheapest Polytechnics in Borno State

Cheapest Polytechnics in Borno State: So you’re interested in furthering your education in Borno State, but money is tight and you’re looking for an affordable option. Don’t worry, there are some great polytechnics in the state that won’t break the bank. As a bonus, the lower costs of living in Borno mean your money will go further here than in other parts of Nigeria.

We’ve compiled a list of the cheapest polytechnics in Borno so you can get started on a degree or diploma without delay. Whether you live in Maiduguri, Biu, or elsewhere in Borno, there are inexpensive options within easy reach. An education may be the key to a brighter future, so check out these affordable polytechnics and take that important first step. With hard work and determination, you’ll be graduating before you know it!

The 3 Most Affordable Polytechnics in Borno State

The 3 Most Affordable Polytechnics in Borno State

Cheapest Polytechnics in Borno State

Borno State Polytechnic

This public polytechnic in Maiduguri is a popular choice for its low fees and wide range of programs. It offers degrees in fields like Business, Engineering, Environmental Science, and Information Technology. Tuition for regular students is around 27,000 Naira per semester.

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College of Agriculture and Animal Science

Located in Maiduguri, this school focuses on programs in Agriculture, Animal Science, Fisheries, and other related fields. It has tuition around 25,000 Naira per semester for regular students. The school provides opportunities for practical learning at its agricultural farm and research facilities.

Maiduguri College of Nursing and Midwifery

This school offers affordable diploma and degree programs for aspiring nurses, midwives and other health professionals. Tuition is typically around 22,000 Naira per semester. The curriculum provides clinical practice at hospitals and health facilities around Borno state. Graduates have a high employment rate due to the demand for healthcare workers.

In summary, Borno State has quality and very affordable polytechnic options. By choosing a school within your budget, you can get the education and skills needed to start your career without being saddled with too much debt. With hard work and perseverance, a degree from any of these schools can open up doors to a bright future.


So you’re interested in attending one of the cheapest polytechnics in Borno State, but have some questions. No problem, here are some common FAQs to help you out.

Do I need a diploma to apply?

Most polytechnics in Borno State require at least an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) or National Diploma (ND) to apply for admission into Higher National Diploma (HND) programs. Some may accept candidates with a National Certificate of Education (NCE) or Bachelor’s degree for direct entry into HND year 2. Check with your preferred school for their specific admission requirements.

What courses are offered?

Polytechnics in Borno State offer a range of courses in fields like business, engineering, science, environment and agriculture. Popular options include:

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Public Administration
  • Statistics
  • Hospitality Management
  • Agricultural Science

The specific courses offered differ between schools, so browse course lists on their websites or in their academic calendars to see what’s available at each polytechnic.

How much does it cost?

Tuition at Borno State polytechnics typically ranges from ₦50,000 to ₦150,000 per year for ND/HND programs. Additional fees for registration, accommodation, medical care, student union dues, etc. may apply. Some schools offer scholarships or fee waivers for students with exceptional results. Cost of living in Borno State is relatively low, estimated at ₦200,000-₦500,000 per year.

Where can I find more information?

The best sources for details on polytechnics in Borno State are:

  • The schools’ official websites – Check for admission requirements, courses offered, tuition fees, academic calendars and contact information.
  • JAMB brochure – The annual JAMB brochure provides an overview of all tertiary institutions in Nigeria, including those in Borno State. It covers programs offered, admission requirements and more.
  • Student forums – Online student forums or groups can be good for finding recent news, experiences and opinions about different schools. Search for the polytechnic’s name along with “student forum” or “WhatsApp group”.
  • Campus visits – If possible, visit your preferred schools in person to get a feel for the environment, meet with department heads and ask any questions you may have. Some polytechnics offer open days for prospective students.

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